Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Huntin' We Will Go

This weekend, we're goin' huntin' hunting, to be more precise. Though pictures are better than a thousand words, it will be nice to see the houses we're considering on something other than a computer screen! There are some exciting prospects, and I look forward to seeing what God will do.

 As promised, a few riveting pictures! Hold on to your seats, folks! :)
First, behold my intrepid father cleaning the mold off of our siding. My mom was understandably a bit worried at his balancing act...

Corinne, who apparantly felt she didn't get enough exercise cleaning out the shed, demonstrates how to do a pull-up.

Yours truly, striking a pose in my painting clothes (i.e. dad's old shirt) as I re-paint our shed. Corinne's words after taking this picture: "You always look so proper!" I'm still trying to work out if it's a compliment or not.   ;)

Looking at these pictures, I believe they are just one more proof added to the already towering moutain of evidence that being a daughter who is living under her father's protection or a stay-at-home wife and mother doesn't mean spending her days sewing and cooking, as many critics would have you believe. Those are just two of the many qualities she should be cultivating so that she can best serve her father or husband. The Proverbs 31 woman was an excellent example of combining femininity with hard work.
This was just a thought that was swimming around in my brain today, and I thought I'd share! :)

Have a lovely rest of the week!


  1. You do always look proper. And where did Corinne get that shirt??? I have one just like it... imagine that!

  2. We each have one, actually...they were giving them away at a homeschool convention. Who can pass up a free shirt?!

  3. I hadn't seen Dad's "balancing act" until just now (in the photo). I was too weak kneed to even watch (I stayed inside praying - especially after the ladder fell off the roof and I thought it was him falling off!) =O

    Thanks for not posting any photos of me in those fancy clothes!

  4. I was not doing a pull-up!! I was looking at the random flower pot... =D

  5. If you could do a pull up with two fingers, I would be highly impressed! ;)
